
We provide a full range of market research services by leveraging in2ition’s network of preferred suppliers. We connect you with "best in class" fieldwork vendors for each piece of work, as well as augment their deliverables by personally conducting critical pieces of the project


In-depth interviews (including expert interviews)
Group interviews (triads, focus groups)
Advisory boards



Online and telephone surveys
Trade show surveys

Idea Generation
  • Market Potential Research
  • Unmet Needs Research
Concept Development
  • Concept Testing (Qualitative, Quantitative)
Product Development
  • Conjoint/Choice Models
  • Prototype Testing
  • Competitive Assessment
  • Message Testing
  • Ad/Materials Testing

Quantitative Data Security and Accuracy

i2ition takes great care and attention to ensure data security and accuracy in our quantitative fieldwork. In our backend programing we implement automated flags and 'cleaning' in order to ensure respondents are valid and data is high quality. In addition to our automated cleaning, our careful manual checking process checks all skip patterns and survey logic, ranges, confirms quotas are being tracked accurately, straight lining and any client directed checks requested. Our backend manual checks help locate outliers and inconsistencies, along with any potential issues found in data file reviews from the programmer, project lead, and QA team. Our Quality Assurance process also reviews all open ends to ensure respondents are answering appropriately and no adverse events were stated.

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